Adaptive Reuse
Affordable Senior Housing
Anticipated Completion May 2018
Historic Window Replacement
Photo-voltaic Solar Panels
Buffalo Neighborhood Stabilization Company (BNSC) & People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH)
Buffalo, NY 

The Mixed-Use Sustainable Rehabilitation Project for People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH) involved the conversion and substantial renovation of the vacant former Buffalo Public School #77. Most notably the adaptive re-use of School #77 serves as a vehicle to add value and provide services to an underserved neighborhood developed by a not-for-profit founded in the same neighborhood.

The mixed-use building features a not-for-profit commercial and community oriented neighborhood hub on the first floor which includes renting the auditorium to a local community-based theater company, offices for PUSH staff, and maintaining the gymnasium for a variety of recreational activities. Existing classrooms on the second and third floors were converted into 30 affordable senior apartments.

Green building-wide design includes a green roof system for senior residents located on the Gymnasium roof, building-wide window replacement, and restoration of existing built-in wardrobes, furniture, and trim.  New rooftop photo-voltaic panels serve the commercial and community spaces. The project meets the requirements of the NYSERDA Low-Rise Residential New Construction program and the Energy star Certified Homes, and Enterprise Green Communities. The project was financed through NYS Homes & Community Renewal (HCR), State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), NYSERDA, and PUSH/BNSC’s capital monies.